Pure Moments
of Happiness
With 100% Swiss premium cannabis
100% Premium Swiss Cannabis without Additives
High CBD Content
Premium Indoor Quality
Gently extracted High Quality Oil
Approved and Certified Supplyers
The company Next Tröber landed a fat contract at the beginning of the week. It can sell its CBD hemp in 1000 kiosks and Avec shops. For BLICK, it has exclusively opened the door of the indoor facility.
I am a grower by passion. Only the best is good enough for me, and we can achieve the best only if we take the feedback from our consumers in consideration every day. Tell us what you love about our products and what we can do to improve.
Dominik Fiechter
Production Manager


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Produced in Switzerland
Produced in Switzerland
Produced in Switzerland
Produced in Switzerland
Produced in Switzerland
Produced in Switzerland
Produced in Switzerland